"From the summer of my twelfth year I carry a series of images more vivid and lasting than any others of my boyhood and indelible beyond all attempts the years make to erase or fade them. . . ."
I believe this helps establish the metaphor explored in the novel

I believe this quote encapsulates the relationship between two characters.

I belive this quote captures the importance of place in the novel.

This is my character sketch of Wes Hayden
Many people impact many others lives in positive ways or in negative ways. In my life so far many people have affected me in both positive and in negative ways. Wes is a character who has impacted people’s lives in positive and in negative ways. He has especially impacted my life, but in a positive way.
Wes is a man of the law, who only does the right thing. When he is not on duty, he goes to the ranch. At the ranch, he feels that this is where he should live. He loves the ranch more than the towns and cities, his real life is the ranch. He should be at the ranch working and caring for animals, instead of being a sheriff.
Wes grew up around ranches and worked on them when he was a kid. His father a man of the law, wanted to be a sheriff too. When he became a sheriff that is where his life moved away from ranches. Arresting people who broke the law, became a man of the law to only do right.
Even though Wes was a sheriff he was jealous of his brother Frank, who was a war hero, because their father seemed to hold Frank in higher regard than Wes. Wes was upset that his father liked Frank more just because he was a war hero instead of a sheriff. A good man, Wes seemed to dislike Frank because he got more attention, making him feel unimportant.
Wes soon would figure out Frank, a pervert, has been raping Indian women. Wes then arrests Frank and put him in the laundry room, where he stays. Wes does feel bad that he is locking up his own brother, but also feels good a law breaker is in custody.
Wes’s father soon figured out that Frank was being held in Wes’s basement, Grandpa Hayden was very upset with him. Grandpa Hayden, as in some families, favors one child over the other, and in this case it’s Frank. Even though Wes is doing the right thing his father makes him thinks he is a bad man.
Wes is a good man and does the right thing, although the pressure from his dad seemed to make him bad, he inspired me. He affected me positively because he does the right thing, he locked up his own brother, and that would take a tremendous amount of willpower. Wes is a good man and it does show.
This is my essay of place
Presque Isle
Presque Isle is a beautiful place from summer to winter. Rain or shine, Presque Isle is a wonderful place to be. The lakes are clear and there are amazing animals. There are so many things that have impacted my life at Presque Isle.
The first arrival at Presque Isle, it’s as if breathing for the first time, the air is so clean. Sitting on the beach, looking up at the sky, was unimaginable. The wind flowing off the trees, a cool breeze, sifting across the lake. The trees as they shake, a dance with the wind, looks as they are happy.
In the afternoon a cool swim is needed. The water is crystal clear and the fish are freely swimming. As the fish swim, their bodies reflect the sun, and they look like they love the clear water.
At dawn, when fishing on the lake, the eagles come to fish too. As the eagles fish and fly, their bodies look majestic, while fishing and bringing food back to their young. A gleam on its eye, the eagle looks as it loves the North.
All of the animals in Presque Isle are so majestic and free. The woods that they live in are thick and beautiful, where the animals live and eat. When looking at any animal, they look as if they would never want to leave or relocate, where they are now is the most beautiful place in the North.
Every summer Presque Isle seems the place to be. This place has left a positive influence on my life what will never leave me. Up there, it seems I have a connection with all living things, especially who I was with. I will always remember Presque Isle and everything that impacted my life.
This is my essay on the arguement of place
Quote of the Book
This quote I picked is the quote of the novel, I believe because these are the most important memories of David Hayden’s life. Those are the memories he will never forget, as long as he lives. The memories he had from when he was in the summer of 1948, his mind will never forget.
When David was twelve, his mind still young, he remembers every detail of his memories, because this was a traumatic time in his life. The time Mane little soldier died, David was sad, yet very mad. David had a theory that connected the death of Marie to Frank Hayden, who is his uncle, and this was a traumatic experience for David.
The time that Frank was locked in David’s basement, arrested for killing Marie by Wes Hayden, who is David’s father, lead to a fight in the family. Grandpa Hayden, Wes’s father, was very upset that Wes locked Frank in his basement, and Grandpa Hayden, wanting to get Frank out, hated Wes for his action. David going through this experience with the family fighting was a troublesome place he was in between the tearing up of the family.
Frank was going through a very rough time, he decided to commit suicide. When Frank killed himself, this left an emotional scar on David. The family, a grieving one, was very sad that they lost a family member. These memories were a traumatic experience, David will never forget them, as if they are burned in his mind.
This quote explains the memories that David had when he was twelve. These are memories, a young kid, will never forget, because it was such a bad, but powerful experience in his life. This quote explains the memories David had when he was twelve in Montana, 1948.
This is my extended metaphor poem on Gail Hayden
Gail is from North Dakota,
Who loved a man and moved to Montana,
Then has a child who would call her Mom.
She now cares for her family,
Her husband the sheriff of the county,
Her son, a boy who loves the country.
Gail is a caring mother,
As she looks out for her bloomer,
Making sure he’s rest a snoozer.
Gail symbolizes a merciful eagle,
As she flies, she brings hop to the faithful,
She is free and blissful.
She is a lovely flute,
Who you should never mute,
Singing a song as a tribute.
Red=Adj. Clause
Purple=Participle Phrase
Brown=Adverb Clause
BLue=Absolute Phrase
Green=Appositive Phrase
Watson, Larry. Montana 1948. Washington Square Press, 1993.
Watson, Larry. Montana 1948. Washington Square Press, 1993.
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